Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 5, 2014

How to help children’s development through play (part 1)

Play provides opportunities for children to develop speech and language abilities and also to practice listening. Parents can help baby’s development through play together.
Whether their play is companion-based with a sibling, peer, or parent, or solo play using imagination, children talk and listen while playing. It can be exciting to hear your child sitting in the family room interacting with toys and hearing her play one character, then another, as the toys interact. It can be invigorating to watch your son dress up as a superhero and save the bath toys from the evil emperor.
Play helps with relationships

Play promotes social interaction and social skills and competence. Children, who play, both with parents and peers, learn how relationships work through their play experiences. The number of friendships and the quality of their friendships will also usually increase as play becomes more prevalent.
Play boosts cognitive development
Imaginative play and role-playing are particularly powerful kinds of play that help the brain develop in more functional and positive ways. Children who engage in these kinds of play have a more sophisticated level of interaction with others and with their environment than those who do not. This is particularly evident in studies of children who watch high levels of television in comparison to children who spend more time playing.

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